Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I was reading Nia's blog and I found this quote that I couldn't help but respond to.
You don't CHOOSE who you are.So love them like you did before you knew their sexuality preference and don't choose for them.
I totally agree with this. In her blog, Nia talks about homosexuality and what her views on the topic. I honestly don't care what a person's sexual preference is. As long as the person has a nice personality and is a good friend then I wouldn't care! I seriously don't know why it matters whether they are bisexual or straight. Either way they are humans! I don't get why people are so mean to gay people! I mean just because they like people of the same gender doesn't mean they are a different person. I mean they are the same person, it's their rights to love whoever they want even if they are the same gender. Seriously. They have the rights to love whoever they want. It doesn't matter.

I like this quote because it's true. No one can choose who they are. No one can choose their gender or ethnicity so I think that people should just stop making fun of gay people. They are the same no matter who they like. I seriously think people should treat gay people like everyone else. I know gay people that are really lovable people. They are amazing to be around. Even though they are gay, they are just like everyone else I know. They aren't different at all! So I personally think that it doesn't matter on a person's sexuality preference. They are the same as everyone else and people should love them like they do everyone else. :)

1 comment:

  1. it makes me so happy to see this topic floating around. We're the future, and it's our job to change the world.
