Tuesday, October 11, 2011

[BC] Steve Jobs and Big Decisions

While reading a part of Steve Jobs' speech I found this quote that really stuck to me. It read:
Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life.
So it got me thinking that maybe I should use this advice more often. I mean I do use it but not as often as I should. Most of the time when it comes to things that count as big decisions to me, I would think, would I be happy doing this? Would I die happy knowing I did this? And from there I would continue my  thoughts and decide whether the situation would satisfy my needs. Unfortunately, sometimes I would allow my emotions to take over and decide for me. So I actually need to remember this more often. However during the times where I actually use this advice, I find that the situation is actually a lot better than I thought it was. If it were not fun, I was able to learn something from it. This advice reminds me that the situation may not be as bad as I thought it would be. I just need to give it a try. I am the type of person to overreact about the smallest things ever so I'd be scared to do a lot of things. Remembering that someday Death would come, helps me get over my emotions and try it. Even if there is a possibility of failure or what not, I would still try it and I was probably able to gain some sort of experience from trying.

I obviously agree with Steve Jobs that using Death as a reminder to help make big decisions is a really great idea because in my opinion it's true. Anything can happen and it can happen whenever without a warning. Death could come as easily as blinking and then when looking back at life I don't want to regret doing or not doing something while alive. If I were to know when I'd die, I'd want to be able to do things that I enjoy that would leave people with happy memories of me after I die. Steve Jobs said that "almost everything-- all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure- these things just fall away in the face of death leaving only what is truly important." In my opinion, this is true. If I were to die, then I wouldn't be scared or embarrassed to do something. I'd just do it and hopefully enjoy myself. Anyways, I think that Steve Jobs is trying to say that after the external expectations fall out, all that's left is myself. Meaning that my thoughts and needs are more important than pride and fear and what others see of me. Another quote that stuck to me was "Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose." Once we die, we won't be able to take anything with us. The only thing that I think we'd still possess is our memories of our life. I'd much rather take happy memories of me doing things that I enjoy instead of miserable memories of things I dislike. So no matter what would happen I think that it would be way better to follow your heart and do things that you enjoy instead of things that other people expect from you.

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