Thursday, October 13, 2011

[FREE] Time

To me, time goes by WAY too fast. No matter what's going on, time would just keep ticking and it won't stop for anything. That upsets me because each day I'm growing older and getting closer to graduating high school. I'm getting closer to leaving my friends and moving on to my next phase in life. Last year, I didn't spend my time well. I always slacked off and didn't bother thinking that once freshman year is over, it's over. Now that it's gone I'm slightly sad that it's over but plan on spending my sophomore year better than I spent my freshman year.Anyways, I only have two more years of high school and graduation and that makes me really depressed. I know quite dorky but yes I have no clue what I'd be like or what I'd do, so I guess I should just focus on my school and enjoy it as best as I can! :)

Anyways back onto time, like I said before it goes by really fast. I would spend a day hanging out with my friends and poof the day is over. It makes me sad to see a day go by and to see my friends leave after a fun day hanging out with them. When I get home after that I sit around and miss the day. That frustrates me so much especially when I hang out with my friends from my Sunday school. Because Sunday only comes once a week, I only get to see them once a week.

There are so many different things that I want to do but there just isn't enough time in the day to do it all. I want to read, study, watch TV, eat, sleep, hang out with my friends and family, cook, learn new things, etc. There just isn't enough time! >.< Well I guess I can't stop time but I CAN remember the fun days and cherish them while I still have it! :]

1 comment:

  1. hey i wrote a respond post to this :]...check it out
