Wednesday, October 12, 2011

[CE] Wow. We need change.

Abu Sayyaf has been blamed for a series of kidnappings, including the abduction of 20 people from a Philippine island resort in 2001.
Wow. That is so scary.  This article talks about the many kidnappings that are taking place in the Philippines. There is a story in it that talks about a woman that had been kidnapped for two months with her son and nephew. They finally released her but refuse to hand over the children. The abductors are demanding $10 million for the release of the children. There are also stories about kidnappings in earlier years, like the kidnapping in 2001 of 20 or more people. It also says that one of them got beheaded. That is terrible. What has this world come to? I mean what goes through these people's minds? Do they ever think about the person's family? How hard it would be for them to lose a loved one. Have any of them lost sleep over doing these terrible things?I bet not. They're just in it for the money. It's all for themselves. People are so incredibly selfish. Why does it all have to be about just themselves? These people should stop and just think about how they would feel if the roles were in reverse. How would they feel if their loved ones got kidnapped? Or what if they were killed? I know I would feel horrible and wouldn't be able to live with myself.

Anyways I wonder when peace would ever come to this world. There are so many terrible things happening and it's out of control. Kidnappings, murders, sexual harassment cases, I mean someone should do something to stop this. Someday, hopefully, it will happen maybe.

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