Tuesday, October 25, 2011

[RE] Live.

I found this quote on Marialuisa's blog and I love it.
Life should be treasured because there is only one thing sure in life, it will come to an end, but wheather if you are fufilled with it it up to you.
I totally agree with this because it is so incredibly true. Life does only come once. Once it's gone, it's gone and you won't be able to get it back. I really dislike it when someone takes things for granted. Like when their parents yell at them they would not listen and then when their parents are gone they'd be like oh I miss them so much I wish they came back. Well it was kind of your fault for not cherishing them when you had them. Do NOT take things for granted. CHERISH them. If you think about it, one day everything could just disappear. You might not have your friends or family. Anything can happen. Yeah I know this is sounding really bitter right now but hang on.

Anyways this quote is true because no one is sure what will happen. The only thing that WILL happen for sure is that life would end. Life comes once so live it up. Use life to your benefit and other people's benefit. Do things that would make you happy and others happy because one day they could leave. Why not make happy memories that you can hang onto when they do disappear.

Well I like this quote because it says that life should be treasured.  I think everyone should treasure their lives instead of thinking ughh my life sucks I hate everything. If you hate something, CHANGE it. It's up to you to make your life the way you want it to be. It won't change by itself so step up and change it.

Love life. It comes once. :)

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