Tuesday, October 4, 2011

[RE] Be yourself!

Be yourself to express, not impress.
I  got this from Bridget's blog and i have to say i totally agree. I rather have people not like me for who I am than like me for someone I'm pretending to be. Everyone in this world is different from one another. Even if they are twins or triplets, they are still different people with different personalities and that's what makes them special. There are those people that would do things just to seem cool and it really annoys me. Honestly I know a couple people that acts like that and it bothers me. They are lovely people when they're being themselves but when they start doing things to impress others I can't stand it.

Sometimes I would see people doing things to impress their friends and I feel bad for them. Although it bothers me, I still feel slightly bad that they need to do this for attention. I think that they shouldn't look for attention from people that only likes them if they do certain things. It would be way better if they just be themselves and let those worth befriending come. Yeah waiting for the worthy friends to come might take awhile and being friends with the people that causes peer pressure is easier I think that they should just wait. Waiting for the worthy ones are better than living your days pretending to be something you're not. Even if you might not like your true self, someone will and they will eventually make you see the things worth liking. So just wait, don't pretend. :)

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