Monday, October 17, 2011

[FREE] The Best Place EVER!

Okay before I go astray I MUST dedicate at least one post to my Sunday school. Ever since I could remember I have been going to Sunday school and it is the BEST thing ever. So my Sunday school is called GDPT Chanh Hoa and it is at a temple in Hayward. It's a Buddhist school as well as a Vietnamese school and it is so fun. It's a worldwide Buddhist Association group where young teens come to learn Vietnamese, Buddhism, and just get together and have fun. Anyways, so every Sunday I go to this temple and I get to see the beautiful faces of my friends. Sunday school may not sound so fun; honestly the classes that we have to take are so boring sometimes I don't like it but I go anyways because of my friends there.

So my Sunday group is a worldwide association and there are other groups like us except under different names. In each district is about three to four groups. It's similar to how Key Club or Interact work at each school. Well my district has three groups and each group has ten to twenty adult supervisors. Every summer the supervisors would organize a camping trip and there we would all play games and have corny campfire talent shows. Yeah it may sound like a lame place but I love it! Sometimes during the year we would have little picnics or celebrations where the three groups come together and hang out.

I love going to this because my closest friends go to Sunday school with me. It's so fun going because my group has kids from ages two to eighteen and I like how we are able to bond although we are from different places and are different ages. My best friend goes here and I love being able to see her. Unfortunately Sunday school only comes once, obviously, so I only get to see my close friends once a week and it is so hard. Some days I wish that I could see them everyday but because we live so far apart I don't get to. Although we have distance in our way, we still do whatever we can to come together every once and a while to just have fun. I love my Sunday school friends for putting things aside just so we could hang out. They are the BEST! :)

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