Tuesday, October 4, 2011

[CE] Oh the irony!

 A scientist who won the Nobel prize for medicine for his work on cancer, died of the disease just days          before he could be told of the award.
That sucks. I think this is so ironic how the scientist, Ralph Steinman, found a therapy thing for cancer but he died from that cancer right before he was supposed to be given the Nobel prize.Although he passed away, I think it's nice that before he died he was able to find a way  to help other people from being harassed by the disease. I actually want to do something like that someday. Not necessarily for cancer but I want to do something that would help the world or man kind, somehow that'll happen. For now though I can try to help out with whatever I can.

The article states that the scientist spent his entire life dedicated to finding something that can help with cancer treatment and I think that is really cool. That's because I like how he was able to be so dedicated. I actually don't think I'm able to be that focused on something. So far I'm trying to stay focused on school and get good grades. It's only been four five weeks but I'm already starting to get a little off task. It's kind of hard staying focus because I get distracted really easily but it's a lot better than my attempt last year to stay focused. Now when I notice that I'm not completely focused, I would stop and get back on track. It takes a while to do that but maybe after a while it'll get better. Well I think that Ralph Steinman did something really cool and I hope that he'll end up in a happy place! :)

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