Tuesday, October 18, 2011

[RE] They don't matter

I found this quote on Kristy's blog and I totally agree.
They should be able to accept you for who you are. If they aren’t able to do so, then it is quite obvious that they aren’t your real friends.
So I don't get why it matters whether people like you or not. Kids these days do such bad things just so their friends would think they're cool and I don't get why. You should be friends with people that accept who you really are instead of who they want you to be. If they prefer the fake you then they don't matter.  I honestly don't care what people think of me. That's because I'm already a loser, or loner in some cases, and people don't matter to me. Honestly I dislike people. We are such a horrible race. I mean pollution, thefts, murders, rapes, etc. Humans suck. Sorry that's MY opinion.

Anyways, I don't care what people think of me because I already show the world my true side so they can choose whether they want to be my friends or not. One less friend isn't going to ruin my life. So I don't get why must people pretend to be something they aren't to impress others. I'm a really protective person so once I find someone worth my friendship and trust then I would let them into my little circle of friends. In my opinion, I prefer having my small circle of friends that like who I am, including all my flaws and obsessions, rather than a huge group of friends that like a fake side of me. If you ever run into friends that like a fake side of you more than the real you, just remember THEY DON'T MATTER! :)

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