Tuesday, October 25, 2011

[RE] Live.

I found this quote on Marialuisa's blog and I love it.
Life should be treasured because there is only one thing sure in life, it will come to an end, but wheather if you are fufilled with it it up to you.
I totally agree with this because it is so incredibly true. Life does only come once. Once it's gone, it's gone and you won't be able to get it back. I really dislike it when someone takes things for granted. Like when their parents yell at them they would not listen and then when their parents are gone they'd be like oh I miss them so much I wish they came back. Well it was kind of your fault for not cherishing them when you had them. Do NOT take things for granted. CHERISH them. If you think about it, one day everything could just disappear. You might not have your friends or family. Anything can happen. Yeah I know this is sounding really bitter right now but hang on.

Anyways this quote is true because no one is sure what will happen. The only thing that WILL happen for sure is that life would end. Life comes once so live it up. Use life to your benefit and other people's benefit. Do things that would make you happy and others happy because one day they could leave. Why not make happy memories that you can hang onto when they do disappear.

Well I like this quote because it says that life should be treasured.  I think everyone should treasure their lives instead of thinking ughh my life sucks I hate everything. If you hate something, CHANGE it. It's up to you to make your life the way you want it to be. It won't change by itself so step up and change it.

Love life. It comes once. :)

[CE] Turkey Earthquake

In a remarkable episode on Tuesday that raised hopes that more survivors could yet be found, a two-week-old baby was pulled alive from the rubble, almost two days after being buried in a collapsed apartment building.

Wow. That is scary. The earthquake that hit Turkey has taken away more than four hundred people and injured more than a thousand. That is so scary. One hit Japan not long ago and another attacks. Well a two week old baby surviving for two days under rubble, that is a miracle. The rescuers also found the baby's mother and grandmother. The only reason they survived was because of a sofa bed that prevented the rubble from crashing down on them. That is amazing. When rescued, they all seem to be in good shape. Even the baby! They were rushed to the hospital anyways for checkup probably.

The rescuers are hard at work trying to save many more people. More than forty thousand people have been saved but the Red Crescent (the rescuers) are running out of places to put them. They have passed out more than thirteen thousand tents but are still running short. About twenty four hundred search teams from forty five cities have been sent out to look for more missing people. They have more than two hundred ambulances running around in case of an emergency. Many people are hoping and waiting for the discovery of a loved one. Hopefully the rescuers find more missing people and hopefully they are still alive.

[FREE] Dream deferred

      What happens to a dream deferred? I'm not sure about anyone else but when I have a dream I actually never forget it. I mean sure there are dreams that I put aside but I never forget them, they always resurface and I would continue on reaching that goal. Like when I was a kid I had all these goals in life that I still remember today. There was this one time when I was talking to my friends about our future, what we want to be, where we want to be, and things like that. I remember that I wanted to be a doctor or dentist because I was raised to help others whenever I can. I wanted to live in a really nice house and be really successful so I could help out with my parents. I have put those dreams aside for a while so I could focus on school and then work my way to those goals.

      Now that I think about it, those dreams are still there, just off to the side so I could slowly work my way towards it. So I think of a goal that I want to get to and I slowly break it down and figure out ways that I could slowly make it there.As a kid I always had realistic dreams. If you ask a three year old now they would probably say they want to be something magical from some fairy tail. Maybe I'm weird but I always wanted to be someone that helps others and could make a difference in the world. That was when I was about 8 or 10. I still have that same goal now. It is just off to the side so that I  could slowly work my way to it. My goal is still the same as the one from when I was a kid. I'm pretty sure it would remain there and I will someday reach it. :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

[CE] Exotic animals

Dozens of exotic animals, including tigers, lions and bears were let loose on Ohio farmland by their owner before he committed suicide, sparking a shoot-to-kill hunt in which 48 of the wild beasts, including 18 endangered Bengal tigers, have been killed.
I found this quote while reading about 56 exotic animals that had been set loose when their owners committed suicide. That is so scary. I would be terrified if I looked out the window and saw a huge tiger outside. Yikes! Well the article states the the owner committed suicide but released these animals right before. What made him think of letting them loose? Why did he suicide? What was he thinking when he released these animals? I mean doesn't he care about all the people that might be attacked by these creatures? What confuses me is why in the world does he have so many of these types of animals on his farm! What is he going to do with them?

The article also states that the owner Terry Thompson had been charged with animal cruelties 11 times already! Now I'm wondering what kind of person is this? No offense or anything but he had treated animals cruelly 11 times already yet he has more than 50 exotic animals on his farm.

So that aside, the article says that out of 56 of those animals, 48 of them had been shot and killed to prevent danger towards the citizens. Eighteen of them, Bengal tigers, were killed and that really sucks because Bengal tigers are an endangered species and now the world just lost eighteen of them. Those poor animals. Let's hope the survivors are kept in a safe place.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

[RE] They don't matter

I found this quote on Kristy's blog and I totally agree.
They should be able to accept you for who you are. If they aren’t able to do so, then it is quite obvious that they aren’t your real friends.
So I don't get why it matters whether people like you or not. Kids these days do such bad things just so their friends would think they're cool and I don't get why. You should be friends with people that accept who you really are instead of who they want you to be. If they prefer the fake you then they don't matter.  I honestly don't care what people think of me. That's because I'm already a loser, or loner in some cases, and people don't matter to me. Honestly I dislike people. We are such a horrible race. I mean pollution, thefts, murders, rapes, etc. Humans suck. Sorry that's MY opinion.

Anyways, I don't care what people think of me because I already show the world my true side so they can choose whether they want to be my friends or not. One less friend isn't going to ruin my life. So I don't get why must people pretend to be something they aren't to impress others. I'm a really protective person so once I find someone worth my friendship and trust then I would let them into my little circle of friends. In my opinion, I prefer having my small circle of friends that like who I am, including all my flaws and obsessions, rather than a huge group of friends that like a fake side of me. If you ever run into friends that like a fake side of you more than the real you, just remember THEY DON'T MATTER! :)

Monday, October 17, 2011

[FREE] The Best Place EVER!

Okay before I go astray I MUST dedicate at least one post to my Sunday school. Ever since I could remember I have been going to Sunday school and it is the BEST thing ever. So my Sunday school is called GDPT Chanh Hoa and it is at a temple in Hayward. It's a Buddhist school as well as a Vietnamese school and it is so fun. It's a worldwide Buddhist Association group where young teens come to learn Vietnamese, Buddhism, and just get together and have fun. Anyways, so every Sunday I go to this temple and I get to see the beautiful faces of my friends. Sunday school may not sound so fun; honestly the classes that we have to take are so boring sometimes I don't like it but I go anyways because of my friends there.

So my Sunday group is a worldwide association and there are other groups like us except under different names. In each district is about three to four groups. It's similar to how Key Club or Interact work at each school. Well my district has three groups and each group has ten to twenty adult supervisors. Every summer the supervisors would organize a camping trip and there we would all play games and have corny campfire talent shows. Yeah it may sound like a lame place but I love it! Sometimes during the year we would have little picnics or celebrations where the three groups come together and hang out.

I love going to this because my closest friends go to Sunday school with me. It's so fun going because my group has kids from ages two to eighteen and I like how we are able to bond although we are from different places and are different ages. My best friend goes here and I love being able to see her. Unfortunately Sunday school only comes once, obviously, so I only get to see my close friends once a week and it is so hard. Some days I wish that I could see them everyday but because we live so far apart I don't get to. Although we have distance in our way, we still do whatever we can to come together every once and a while to just have fun. I love my Sunday school friends for putting things aside just so we could hang out. They are the BEST! :)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

[FREE] Time

To me, time goes by WAY too fast. No matter what's going on, time would just keep ticking and it won't stop for anything. That upsets me because each day I'm growing older and getting closer to graduating high school. I'm getting closer to leaving my friends and moving on to my next phase in life. Last year, I didn't spend my time well. I always slacked off and didn't bother thinking that once freshman year is over, it's over. Now that it's gone I'm slightly sad that it's over but plan on spending my sophomore year better than I spent my freshman year.Anyways, I only have two more years of high school and graduation and that makes me really depressed. I know quite dorky but yes I have no clue what I'd be like or what I'd do, so I guess I should just focus on my school and enjoy it as best as I can! :)

Anyways back onto time, like I said before it goes by really fast. I would spend a day hanging out with my friends and poof the day is over. It makes me sad to see a day go by and to see my friends leave after a fun day hanging out with them. When I get home after that I sit around and miss the day. That frustrates me so much especially when I hang out with my friends from my Sunday school. Because Sunday only comes once a week, I only get to see them once a week.

There are so many different things that I want to do but there just isn't enough time in the day to do it all. I want to read, study, watch TV, eat, sleep, hang out with my friends and family, cook, learn new things, etc. There just isn't enough time! >.< Well I guess I can't stop time but I CAN remember the fun days and cherish them while I still have it! :]