Friday, September 30, 2011

[ESSAY] Humans?! Well these are my thoughts!

The word human has a lot of different meanings to different people. If you were to ask someone what they think the meaning of being humans it would mainly consist of a certain qualities or talents. Being human could be something good, something bad, or both. It mainly consists of a certain quality instead of multiples of different things that comes together. I asked a couple of my friends and they all answered that the meaning of being human is a specific thing like art and creativity or evilness. To me a human means none of the above. It’s not just a certain quality that makes us human but the purpose of our existence. In other words to me, being human means that we are given the human qualities like walking, talking, thinking, expressing ourselves, etc for a reason. We are human not because of one certain thing but because of many qualities coming together to serve a bigger purpose. So I believe that the purpose of being people is to make a difference in the world, using our knowledge and unique way of thinking,  to change the world and make it better and also to spread love towards every single different things around us.
A quality that helps build up to this purpose is talking. It allows the human race to show what we think and explain things the way we see things.  It helps show our point of of view towards others and lets others see our way. Not only that but it spreads things we know to others to listen to and to keep in mind for their journey through life to serve their purpose in life. Talking also allows us to spread words of love and care to people and to the creatures and plants everywhere around us to show our affection towards them. Without the ability to talk and express ourselves, it would be difficult for others to see things the way we do. Although it is difficult, it isn’t impossible! We can show our love and our ideas through our actions, the way we act when around the world. We can also show our way of thinking by our actions and reactions.Other than talking there are also many other qualities that helps complete our purpose.

Besides talking, there are things like walking that helps us go places to expand and share our knowledge. We walk to different places in the world to learn new things and use that knowledge to expand the way we think. By doing this, we build up the ability to share love and to change the world. Walking leads to new thoughts to be born and with those thoughts we can think of different things that would help strengthen our cause of life. Talking and thinking works together to share our ideas and to interpret ideas. Walking allows us to go to and from places to meet new people for new experiences. We use all our qualities together to share, grasp and discuss about topics that shows us different ways of seeing things.

Expressions give us the ability to share to the world our feelings and it helps us to learn how to act during these times so it doesn’t ruin the experience of life. Being human, we usually allow our feelings to take over our actions and sometimes it ruins things. We can’t allow our feelings to ruin things we enjoy, so expressions allows us to find ways around them or fight against them to fix it. It gives us the experience that we need know, how to act when we are upset or when someone else is unhappy. The way we act around different things shows to the world what we think about it. Another thing that expression does is that the way we express ourselves adds to the world a different view and makes the world unique. Our expressions makes the world different because of the millions of unique creatures that lives in it’s system and the way they show their thoughts on their journey of life.
So all in all, our lives mainly revolves around knowledge. Whether it is gaining knowledge or sharing it, we still are able to grow through this. Our knowledge is what allows us to exist helps us make a difference on our planet of Earth and to share love. We use our thoughts to interpret ideas we know and to apply the knowledge that we already have to help make a difference in the world. It is also used to know how to act among others of our kind using the experience we already know. Our knowledge is what connects us all. Without it, we wouldn’t be able to have the thoughts needed to go through the troubles that are contained in our lives whether we want to or not. We also would not be able to communicate amongst ourselves to share and obtain new things. . Communication amongst humans is a way to keep us updated on each other’s different way of living. We are allowed to choose the good for further use and know the bad things so we know how to react if it were to ever happen.

So another idea that came to me while talking about this topic is that we are here to help the world and make it more lively. Without human lives and their creativity, the Earth would just be another planet. Yes humans have done a lot of ugly things to the world but the Earth and humans work together as one and we help one another survive. Without us the Earth would just be another planet that revolves around the sun and in my opinion with no purpose. The Earth is not like that though, it is a planet with living creatures on it that makes it unique and wonderful. We give the Earth life and gives it personality. Like the Greek mythologies, the Earth goddess Gaea or the Egyptian Earth god Geb. Honestly I enjoy Greek mythology so when I think of the Earth, I always think about the Earth goddess Gaea. It makes me think of the Earth as a living thing instead of just a patch of dirt. Humans give the Earth life and characteristics so without us the Earth would be seen as just a patch of land.

In the end, I think that the meaning of a human being is to serve his or her purpose to live life. Throughout our life journey, we live to help the world and give it life. We spread love and beauty to anything and everything. So this is my opinion on this topic and I hope that you find some helpful thoughts about it. :)

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