Wednesday, September 21, 2011

[FREE] Don't waste it!! D:

    So while eating lunch with my friends today, something happened that kind of bothered me. On our walk back to school my friend hands me her food container to throw away because she told me she finished. I took it and proceeded to throw it away when the container popped open and I saw that there was a chunk of rice still left in there. I really didn’t want to waste it even if it was a small chunk but my friend took it and just dumped it in the trash so I wasn’t able to stop her.
    After a lot of thinking I felt really bad for wasting that chunk of rice. Even though it was not so big i thought it was a waste. I grew up in a family where wasting food was not okay. We had to eat every single grain of rice as a symbol of thanks to the farmers and the workers that had to plant, collect, and produce the grain. It was also a way to acknowledge the many people all over the world that are starving! Yeah I know me eating that grain of rice isn’t going to make the other people full or anything but to me it’s something important to not waste food.
    Something else that bothers me involving food waste is that whenever I point out that so many people would be so satisfied with that tiny amount of food that my friend is wasting they would respond saying, “Oh if they need it then go bring it to them.” I then think What. In. The. World. To me that is so incredibly heartless. Seriously though! It wouldn’t hurt just to finish that tiny piece, JUST DO IT! Well I don’t know about anyone else but it bothers me so much when people take the food they get for granted! They would buy stuff take one bite and just throw it away! So many people would die for that food but they are over here not even caring! So yeah it bothers me! Please don’t do it. :)


  1. Hey, I used a quote from here cause wasting food bothers me.

  2. hey! nice post. just wrote a re post to one of your quotes =]
    heres the link:

  3. Hi i made a response post to this. click here if you want to see it

  4. HI JULIE nom... I responded to your post [:

  5. Pretty much a douchebag move on your friend's part. Just sayin'.

  6. Hey Julie! I responded to your post.

  7. i responded to your post.

  8. Hi! I responded to your post. Here's the link:
