Monday, September 19, 2011

[RE] Come talk to me! :)

I found this quote on Kristy's blog:
Talk to me because you want to, not because you think I will do something for you. 
So I would like to say that I agree with this quote because I like it when people randomly comes up to me to talk about random things even if it gets super awkward. I know that's a little weird but I think that it's nice that someone just wants to talk to me out of the blue because I interpret it as a way that they show they care. So I would appreciate it if someone just came out of nowhere just because they want to talk to me about little things. To me it's the little things that matter.

Anyways in Kristy's blog, she states that people that she doesn't talk to often would come up to her for help and then they would leave her. That happens to me to and I have to say it sometimes annoys me but I think of the good things that I can get from it. When someone that I don't usually talk to come up to me for help, I can't help but think that they trust me and I like it when people trust me. It makes me feel happy that they care enough to tell me things that are important to them. Although I know that if I help they will go back to not talking to me, I'm just happy to know that I could help and that what I did made them happy. Yes I know really corny but when I can make another person happy I can't help but be happy myself. Even though I know I'm going to be "used" I still want to help them because I am doing something nice for someone else and it makes them happy. Also, when I help the other person, I see it as a way to show them I care and hopefully they will care back. :]

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