Friday, September 9, 2011

[FREE] Awesome people! =]

To me, somethings that are really important to me are my family and friends and their undivided attention and love. So let’s start off with my parents, they are the only reason why i exist (obviously) and the reason why my life is so wonderful. My parents left behind a lot when they came over from their home country, Vietnam. They work so hard and so much to raise my three sisters and I. When they chose to move to Alameda from Oakland, it was for our safety. They’ve done everything they can to ensure our safety to their best.
So other than my parents, I have to say my sisters are people that I care about a lot. My older sister is like my friend, I can talk to her whenever and for whatever reason i need to and she would be willing to help. My younger sisters are, well, younger sisters that annoy the poop out of me but that’s what they do! No matter how incredibly annoying and demanding my sisters are, i still have to say that I’m very protective of them.
Aside from my family, I do have a couple of friends that are like family to me who are so awesome and whom i am so grateful for. My friends are people that i can come to when i have no where else to go. Although i said that i go to my older sister for things, there are specific things that I’m not comfortable to tell her and that is where my lovely friends come in. They are the greatest people ever because they put up with the weird random things that I throw at them every day. They aren’t embarrassed to be seen around me and I honestly am very thankful for that because I am really weird and without them being weird with me i would be a loner with no friends. They are so cool because they put up with my clumsy childish weird humor and yeah Thanks yoo! :]
Anyways my family and friends are awesome people that are so incredibly significant to my life and YOU ARE AWESOME!! =)

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