Saturday, September 3, 2011

[BC] Hi There! :D

So instead of starting off with a “Hello, my name is…” I would rather start with a story about how I was named.  I was born a year after my parents came over from Vietnam and during that time their English wasn’t terrific so they didn’t know much about names. This meaning they didn’t know a variety of names and their meanings. So when I was about to be born, they called their friend to drive them to the hospital. When they were asked what to name me, they couldn’t come up with anything so they asked their friend what I should be named. So being slightly shocked at this question, he said the first name that came to mind and that was my name, Julie.
Honestly there isn’t that much about me to know so I guess I will start off with my hobbies. Something that really interest me is reading and that is because it is really useful when I need something to past time and, no matter how incredibly dorky this sounds, sometimes I feel like I warp into the different places in the books I read. When I read I feel like I’m a part of the book and I’m a part of the journey the main characters go through. The journeys feel so real to me and it I feel like I’m going through the different worlds. It gives me a feeling of freedom from my current life and its restraints. In my life, I am constantly being restrained from doing things I want to in fear of danger. So when I read, I feel free from that and I get to live the life changing adventurous like that I want.
Other than reading being something I love, I also enjoy hanging out with my family and friends, listening to music, helping out, and playing games. I really like spending time with my family and friends because they are awesome people that are very important to me. They are really fun to be around because they are so weird and always brings a smile to my face. I really like playing all sorts of games from board games to video games as long as I’m playing with not so competitive people. I like playing things for fun not as competition because I don’t like when people get way to competitive. Music to me is something that I can go to when I’m upset or just simply bored. I enjoy listening to any types of music and would listen to anything but screamo because I think it’s weird. Honestly I really like to do community service because I think that we can make a better world if we just try to help. So I like to help out whenever I can, wherever I can because I think people, animals, and the earth deserves better than it is receiving and with work we can make things better.
My favorite animal are ducks because when I was a kid my sister would joke around that chickens are the best things in the world and to oppose that opinion of hers I said that ducks are better because that was the closest thing to chickens that I could think of and I’ve been in love with them ever since. My favorite color is blue just because I think it’s a lovely color and because the ocean is blue. I really like the ocean because it seems so mysterious and mystical. I think under the sea it is a whole different world, much more peaceful and calm compared to the life on land. I grew up believing mermaids exist and I’ve been attracted to the ocean since then. I think that the ocean is beautiful and I really like sea creatures because they are so majestic and pretty. I really like watching Disney movies because they are the best and because I spent most of my childhood watching them so it reminds me of those simpler times as a kid. I like to try new things; I will try almost anything as long as it isn’t something stupid like jumping off a cliff. I actually like to play sports and like learning new types of sports but in the end I usually am not the best player. Although I’m not good at sports I find it entertaining to watch my friends play. I think it’s really fun to try new things like new things like cooking different types of food, learning a new language, and things like that. It’s really amusing to know how to do and know these things.
I don’t like a lot of things and among those things are spiders. I think spiders are really scary and I don’t like them one bit. I also don’t like clowns because I think they are really scary, the piles and piles of make up on their face and their laugh scares me too. I don’t like the way that people is destroying the world with their pollutions of all sorts like light pollution and air pollution but I do appreciate that they realize what they are doing wrong and are trying to somewhat fix it. I also don’t like how easily I get frustrated or upset. It makes me feel like a mean person but I’m trying to fix it hopefully it will work.
So aside from that another thing about me is that someday I want to travel the world with some friends and live the free life that I want. I would like to go to random places on the globe and just have an adventure. I really want to try to live a life like Ash Ketchum in Pokemon, traveling the world and being able to see new things and have that experience of freedom. I just think that that would be really fun and life changing. So hopefully someday, somehow, I will be able to do this and have a terrific journey.
But before all that I need to get through school. So this year I’m hoping to end it with my writing goals fulfilled. My writing goals are to improve my vocabulary and smooth out my transitioning. I think that my vocabulary is low standards and I want to learn new words and use really big sophisticated words. To me, my transitioning from paragraph to paragraph is really choppy and I want to change it so that it flows and sounds nice. I would also like to improve on my essay writing. I feel like my essays sometimes doesn’t really capture all the ideas I want it to have and no matter what grade I get I’m not satisfied with it. Another problem that I think needs improvement is the way I word things because sometimes it’s not really captivating and it just seems boring. 
Bye now! :]

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