Tuesday, September 13, 2011

[RE] OUR world

I found this really really interesting quote from Marialuisa’s blog
this is our world and we only get one. once we kill this one, there will be no more
       Okay so I thought this quote is really interesting because of how incredibly true it is and also because i think that  everyone should acknowledge it and try to make a difference. People take the world for granted, they take everything from our world and they never give back. I'm pretty sure that before humans came and overpopulated Earth, it was a beautiful place with beautiful landscapes. When humans came, we took EVERYTHING. We destroyed the beautiful landscapes to make our homes and shopping centers, we chopped down trees that contains air for us, and we killed off its many creatures. There is no part of the wild that is really there because the humans took over and destroyed it to make more room for our kind. We polluted the Earth when its air is for us. Not for the Earth to breath but for us, so now we are breathing bad air because of us. Humans also polluted the ocean which contains fish for us to eat. Once again this is for us and what did we do? We destroyed it. What else did humans do, we went out and hunted so many beautiful creatures until extinction and now we are trying to save them. Well i think its kind of too late to save an endangered species that we killed off. I mean honestly why are we going to go kill of animals and when they are almost gone we FINALLY say oh wait let's save these animals or we wont have anymore of them. Really? Really now? What a waste.
       Well anyways i agree with this quote because we only have ONE world and once it's gone we are too so why don't we help it instead of destroying it? It actually pisses me off how much we have destroyed the Earth when we NEED the Earth to survive. We rely on the Earth for everything, air, food, water, etc. Earth is our home yet we destroyed it. I think that if we all come together then we can make a huge change in this and hopefully we will, not only, save the Earth but also our kind and all the other species on this planet. We should try to fix this situation and make a better Earth.


  1. I really want to recommend a certain book (actually, a PAIR of books) to both you and Savannah...some other students in my senior classes are about to start reading them but when I get my copies back I hope you will take a look at them. They talk a lot about the issue of how we humans have come to behave the way we do, with respect to our environment and to each other. (Savannah was just posting about a related topic, I think: http://lotusblossompetals.blogspot.com/2011/09/free-post-why-tragedies.html )

    Here are the books...maybe you would get something out of one/both of them:



  2. I totally agree with you the earth is are mother who feed us, bathed us, and in a way clothed us. While coloring are world and this is how her children, us humans repay her for all shes done for us.
