Wednesday, September 14, 2011

[CE] Trouble in China

Things like this makes me ponder what goes through a person's mind and what causes them to do things that they do. 
The female worker used a box cutter to slash at children aged between three and four years old at the Little Happiness Star nursery in an eastern suburb of Shanghai, according to local news reports.
        So I just wanted to point out that the name of the nursery center is Little Happiness Star... A little ironic isn't, it that the name of the nursery center is something that is meant to make someone think that it's a good nice place but that is where children got attacked. Some happiness... Anyways according to the news page it says that this female worker is believed to suffer from mental illnesses.
      So now I'm wondering why this lady was allowed to work at a children's daycare center. I mean shouldn't the employers go through her records to see things that she has been through? If she were a mental patient why didn't they acknowledge that and prevented her to work there? Seriously though, in the last year five major attacks had happened and they all took place at schools. These attacks involved seventeen deaths, fifteen were children, and at least eighty injured.
     I feel bad for the victims that were involved in these cases. In the one with the female worker, there was a total of eight pupils that were hurt in this crisis. The article says that the students were only hurt and not killed so that is great. But i am seriously wondering why there are so many attacks that happens in schools? I seriously think that the school government in China should start digging deeper into the health life of the people that would like to be an employee at the schools. They should pay closer attention to their mental state to see if they are mentally stable. They should also put up more security to prevent the outside troubled people from entering and causing harm to the students. Hopefully no more of this happens and the people of China will be safe.

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