Tuesday, September 13, 2011

[FREE] Block day one!

Hello there! So I'm supposed to be writing my current event post but i haven't found anything i like yet so i  guess I'll just write about my day! yay! Well today is the first block day and it's been alright so far. I was being lazy in the morning and didn't feel like talking so i didn't and my friends were really confused. They are used to me babbling on and on about random things that come to mind so when i wasn't talking they kept harassing me to talk but i didnt.
Well other than that, first period was boring we wrote a reflection on a movie we watched yesterday and then we shared our homework. I was bored the entire time but heyy it's over now! Second period was PE and we ran and ran and ran ughhh it was very tiring. I disliked it a lot! During break i just walked around with my friend from building to building because we didn't want to go to class and didn't want to sit down so we walked. Then she left me so i had to walkby myself.
I didn't want to walk anymore so i just walked to the lab for english and waited there. The lab room is near the locker i use so i went to my locker just because i wanted to and i ran into my friend whom i share the locker with. So i started talking to her and she got mad at me because i wasn't talking to her in the morning and she left me. Mr. Sutherland came after that and opened the door so i walked in. I tried logging on the computer but it didn't work but Mr.Sutherland helped me and i got it. Then i started on my blogs and here i am! Yay! Well that was my day and it has been quite boring so far so let's hope it gets better!

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