Friday, September 30, 2011

[ESSAY] Humans?! Well these are my thoughts!

The word human has a lot of different meanings to different people. If you were to ask someone what they think the meaning of being humans it would mainly consist of a certain qualities or talents. Being human could be something good, something bad, or both. It mainly consists of a certain quality instead of multiples of different things that comes together. I asked a couple of my friends and they all answered that the meaning of being human is a specific thing like art and creativity or evilness. To me a human means none of the above. It’s not just a certain quality that makes us human but the purpose of our existence. In other words to me, being human means that we are given the human qualities like walking, talking, thinking, expressing ourselves, etc for a reason. We are human not because of one certain thing but because of many qualities coming together to serve a bigger purpose. So I believe that the purpose of being people is to make a difference in the world, using our knowledge and unique way of thinking,  to change the world and make it better and also to spread love towards every single different things around us.
A quality that helps build up to this purpose is talking. It allows the human race to show what we think and explain things the way we see things.  It helps show our point of of view towards others and lets others see our way. Not only that but it spreads things we know to others to listen to and to keep in mind for their journey through life to serve their purpose in life. Talking also allows us to spread words of love and care to people and to the creatures and plants everywhere around us to show our affection towards them. Without the ability to talk and express ourselves, it would be difficult for others to see things the way we do. Although it is difficult, it isn’t impossible! We can show our love and our ideas through our actions, the way we act when around the world. We can also show our way of thinking by our actions and reactions.Other than talking there are also many other qualities that helps complete our purpose.

Besides talking, there are things like walking that helps us go places to expand and share our knowledge. We walk to different places in the world to learn new things and use that knowledge to expand the way we think. By doing this, we build up the ability to share love and to change the world. Walking leads to new thoughts to be born and with those thoughts we can think of different things that would help strengthen our cause of life. Talking and thinking works together to share our ideas and to interpret ideas. Walking allows us to go to and from places to meet new people for new experiences. We use all our qualities together to share, grasp and discuss about topics that shows us different ways of seeing things.

Expressions give us the ability to share to the world our feelings and it helps us to learn how to act during these times so it doesn’t ruin the experience of life. Being human, we usually allow our feelings to take over our actions and sometimes it ruins things. We can’t allow our feelings to ruin things we enjoy, so expressions allows us to find ways around them or fight against them to fix it. It gives us the experience that we need know, how to act when we are upset or when someone else is unhappy. The way we act around different things shows to the world what we think about it. Another thing that expression does is that the way we express ourselves adds to the world a different view and makes the world unique. Our expressions makes the world different because of the millions of unique creatures that lives in it’s system and the way they show their thoughts on their journey of life.
So all in all, our lives mainly revolves around knowledge. Whether it is gaining knowledge or sharing it, we still are able to grow through this. Our knowledge is what allows us to exist helps us make a difference on our planet of Earth and to share love. We use our thoughts to interpret ideas we know and to apply the knowledge that we already have to help make a difference in the world. It is also used to know how to act among others of our kind using the experience we already know. Our knowledge is what connects us all. Without it, we wouldn’t be able to have the thoughts needed to go through the troubles that are contained in our lives whether we want to or not. We also would not be able to communicate amongst ourselves to share and obtain new things. . Communication amongst humans is a way to keep us updated on each other’s different way of living. We are allowed to choose the good for further use and know the bad things so we know how to react if it were to ever happen.

So another idea that came to me while talking about this topic is that we are here to help the world and make it more lively. Without human lives and their creativity, the Earth would just be another planet. Yes humans have done a lot of ugly things to the world but the Earth and humans work together as one and we help one another survive. Without us the Earth would just be another planet that revolves around the sun and in my opinion with no purpose. The Earth is not like that though, it is a planet with living creatures on it that makes it unique and wonderful. We give the Earth life and gives it personality. Like the Greek mythologies, the Earth goddess Gaea or the Egyptian Earth god Geb. Honestly I enjoy Greek mythology so when I think of the Earth, I always think about the Earth goddess Gaea. It makes me think of the Earth as a living thing instead of just a patch of dirt. Humans give the Earth life and characteristics so without us the Earth would be seen as just a patch of land.

In the end, I think that the meaning of a human being is to serve his or her purpose to live life. Throughout our life journey, we live to help the world and give it life. We spread love and beauty to anything and everything. So this is my opinion on this topic and I hope that you find some helpful thoughts about it. :)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

[FREE] Don't waste it!! D:

    So while eating lunch with my friends today, something happened that kind of bothered me. On our walk back to school my friend hands me her food container to throw away because she told me she finished. I took it and proceeded to throw it away when the container popped open and I saw that there was a chunk of rice still left in there. I really didn’t want to waste it even if it was a small chunk but my friend took it and just dumped it in the trash so I wasn’t able to stop her.
    After a lot of thinking I felt really bad for wasting that chunk of rice. Even though it was not so big i thought it was a waste. I grew up in a family where wasting food was not okay. We had to eat every single grain of rice as a symbol of thanks to the farmers and the workers that had to plant, collect, and produce the grain. It was also a way to acknowledge the many people all over the world that are starving! Yeah I know me eating that grain of rice isn’t going to make the other people full or anything but to me it’s something important to not waste food.
    Something else that bothers me involving food waste is that whenever I point out that so many people would be so satisfied with that tiny amount of food that my friend is wasting they would respond saying, “Oh if they need it then go bring it to them.” I then think What. In. The. World. To me that is so incredibly heartless. Seriously though! It wouldn’t hurt just to finish that tiny piece, JUST DO IT! Well I don’t know about anyone else but it bothers me so much when people take the food they get for granted! They would buy stuff take one bite and just throw it away! So many people would die for that food but they are over here not even caring! So yeah it bothers me! Please don’t do it. :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

[BC] The Chest

“Are you sure it’s in that room?”
“Well it IS the only place we haven’t checked.”
“But you DO know what might to happen!”
“ Oh hush it! This is the ONLY way!”
“But if you die what am I to do?”
“Well to start off you would die too since we are in the same body.”
“ Stop! You know this is the only way! I need to get you out of my head and into your own body and The Chest is the only way we can do that! So let’s go!”

That being the end of the conversation led her to creep towards the door. Each step on the hardwood floor causes her hands to shake uncontrollably. Inching her way closer and closer to the door causes her body to heat up, her palms to get warm and sticky with sweat and causes her heart to pound so hard she worries THEY might here. If THEY were to hear, she’d be dead.

When she reaches the door, she hesitates.
    “Are you ready?”
    “ Might as well...”

With that she reaches out for the handle and grabs hold. The cold handle causes her hand to tingle, making her want to let go but instead she yanks the door open and steps in.

Her first impression of the room was Dark, so dark that she can’t see a thing. She reaches her hand towards the wall for guidance. She finally finds the wall and runs her hand along the bumpy hard wall and goes forward. With the other hand she reaches out in front of her to prevent from hitting things. After a couple of steps, she feels the smooth top of a table and rummages through it looking for a clue as to where The Chest is. Instead she feels the thick leathery handle of something. She pulls it closer and carefully uses her hand to run along the object to see what it is. When her hand leaves the leathery handle, she finds the chilly sharp edge of a blade and accidentally cuts herself. It is a dagger.
    “This can come in handy. Should we keep it?”
    “Absolutely! Save it just in case THEY show up!”
The tickle of the thick red liquid that smells of copper runs down her hand and drips onto the desk. Hurriedly she chants a spell causing her heart to slow, her spine to tingle, and the cut on her hand felt like an icy sting but she continues. The chanting causes the smell of blood to disperse and the blood on the table to disappear leaving no marks. When she finishes chanting, the cut has healed and any sign of the blood has disappeared preventing THEM to find pick up her scent. 

With a new weapon, she carefully tucks it into the side of her belt and continues forward. Now that she possesses a tool hopefully to keep herself safe adrenaline starts building up inside her. Her mind goes blanking leaving only the goal of reaching The Chest and makes her body to tingle with energy. Each step she takes now feels stronger and causes her heart to beat harder and harder. 

Then suddenly, she hears the deep low grunt that causes goosebumps to sprout throughout her body. She turns to the sound and a shiver runs down her spine. She can sense it’s presence, THEY have found her. THEY are a group of mutant animals that has spent their entire life tracking down people like her. The type of people with unnatural super abilities. Her super powers like the one to host souls began when she was just twelve when the first soul entered her mind. It has happened after the death of her cousin. She was so upset that she somehow managed to host her cousin’s soul for a couple of weeks until her guardian teacher,her parents, helped her release her him. Now THEY are tracking her and her kind down to kill and take over their body so THEY can use the bodies to bring chaos into the world. 

 Now she is cornered by one of a few of THEM . From her spot, she can sense the presence of THEM. She can feel it’s hot breath near by breathing hard and loudly. The aroma from its body that smells like rotten eggs and soiled milk drifts through the air and causes her eyes to tear up. The tears slip over her eyelid and tickles her cheek as it falls. Her heart starts beating so fast she worries she might explode! Each second past and no sound is made. She thinks to the soul in her head:
    “What do you think is happening? Where is it?”
“ I don’t know. Focus and see if you can sense it’s presence! You are very powerful just the lessons you have been taught!”
She calms down, breathes in, breathes out. Her heart speed slows. She closes her eyes and focus on the presence of the creature. She then hears a very low very deep sound that resembles a cow and a bear coming from four feet before her. She slowly reaches out for the leather handle of the dagger and strikes at the creature who lets loose a horrible screeching wail and she hears loud thumps falling onto the ground meaning the death of the creature.
    “Look! Look what I just did!”
    “Great! Now go and find The Chest I can sense it on the table nearby! Hurry!”

She backs up against the cold hard wall and reaches up for it. She runs this time and reaches the table The Soul mentioned. She reaches out to touch the table and feels the rough splintery wood. Ignoring the splinters she continues forward until she reaches it. The Chest. She reaches out to grab the small warm box and feels the burst of energy coming from it. She quickly runs her hand over it and reaches the small hard lock which she then proceeds to open with her mind. With a loud click it opens and she pulls out an orb. She then starts to chant in a low deep voice and it happens!

She feels The Soul ripped out of her body as if she is being burned and pulled apart but she continues. She has to get The Soul out! A bright flash of light comes out of the orb and with a loud tweet, she passes out. When she wakes up the next time she finds herself face to face with another girl about 10 years old. She smiles and reaches up to caress the face of the young girl that has taken refuge in her mind for 3 years. She lets her arm drape over the girl’s shoulder and feels the energy taken away from her. Her arms and legs get heavy and feels impossible to move, her eyes get heavy and she allows her body to rest. Before she closes her eyes, she sees the young girl smile and sees the girl reach out to touch her face. The warmth from the young girl's finger spreads throughout her face and she hears the girl whisper, "Rest." So she does.

Monday, September 19, 2011

[CE] Plane crash in Reno

I found this quote while reading about the plane crash in Reno, Nevada.
At least nine people have died and 56 more were injured when a vintage aircraft crashed into the ground at an air show in the US state of Nevada, a spokesman and video images showed.
In this article there is a section where they interviewed a bystander and she said that she saw gore and she said that it was really nasty. I have to say that this is really scary! I find it so disturbing to witness all that gore!I mean she said she saw body parts everywhere and she saw people missing body parts! I would NOT be able to sleep for like weeks.
Besides that I feel terrible for the people that were involved in this case. The president and CEO of the Reno Air Races says that the plane crashing was due to mechanical problems. Now I'm wondering why this plane wasn't checked before hand. I don't know if they checked or not but obviously they should have done something more. Although it is too late to fix that problem I think that they should seriously check their planes over and over and take them on practice runs until they are absolutely positive it is going to end well. I think so because at the end of the article it says that the aircraft races has been worrying many people because in the past years four pilots have been killed in the act of doing this. I really think they should do something about this because not only are the pilots dying but so are the innocent bystanders! So many people have been killed or injured because of these things and I think that it is really scary!

[RE] Come talk to me! :)

I found this quote on Kristy's blog:
Talk to me because you want to, not because you think I will do something for you. 
So I would like to say that I agree with this quote because I like it when people randomly comes up to me to talk about random things even if it gets super awkward. I know that's a little weird but I think that it's nice that someone just wants to talk to me out of the blue because I interpret it as a way that they show they care. So I would appreciate it if someone just came out of nowhere just because they want to talk to me about little things. To me it's the little things that matter.

Anyways in Kristy's blog, she states that people that she doesn't talk to often would come up to her for help and then they would leave her. That happens to me to and I have to say it sometimes annoys me but I think of the good things that I can get from it. When someone that I don't usually talk to come up to me for help, I can't help but think that they trust me and I like it when people trust me. It makes me feel happy that they care enough to tell me things that are important to them. Although I know that if I help they will go back to not talking to me, I'm just happy to know that I could help and that what I did made them happy. Yes I know really corny but when I can make another person happy I can't help but be happy myself. Even though I know I'm going to be "used" I still want to help them because I am doing something nice for someone else and it makes them happy. Also, when I help the other person, I see it as a way to show them I care and hopefully they will care back. :]

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

[CE] Trouble in China

Things like this makes me ponder what goes through a person's mind and what causes them to do things that they do. 
The female worker used a box cutter to slash at children aged between three and four years old at the Little Happiness Star nursery in an eastern suburb of Shanghai, according to local news reports.
        So I just wanted to point out that the name of the nursery center is Little Happiness Star... A little ironic isn't, it that the name of the nursery center is something that is meant to make someone think that it's a good nice place but that is where children got attacked. Some happiness... Anyways according to the news page it says that this female worker is believed to suffer from mental illnesses.
      So now I'm wondering why this lady was allowed to work at a children's daycare center. I mean shouldn't the employers go through her records to see things that she has been through? If she were a mental patient why didn't they acknowledge that and prevented her to work there? Seriously though, in the last year five major attacks had happened and they all took place at schools. These attacks involved seventeen deaths, fifteen were children, and at least eighty injured.
     I feel bad for the victims that were involved in these cases. In the one with the female worker, there was a total of eight pupils that were hurt in this crisis. The article says that the students were only hurt and not killed so that is great. But i am seriously wondering why there are so many attacks that happens in schools? I seriously think that the school government in China should start digging deeper into the health life of the people that would like to be an employee at the schools. They should pay closer attention to their mental state to see if they are mentally stable. They should also put up more security to prevent the outside troubled people from entering and causing harm to the students. Hopefully no more of this happens and the people of China will be safe.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

[FREE] Block day one!

Hello there! So I'm supposed to be writing my current event post but i haven't found anything i like yet so i  guess I'll just write about my day! yay! Well today is the first block day and it's been alright so far. I was being lazy in the morning and didn't feel like talking so i didn't and my friends were really confused. They are used to me babbling on and on about random things that come to mind so when i wasn't talking they kept harassing me to talk but i didnt.
Well other than that, first period was boring we wrote a reflection on a movie we watched yesterday and then we shared our homework. I was bored the entire time but heyy it's over now! Second period was PE and we ran and ran and ran ughhh it was very tiring. I disliked it a lot! During break i just walked around with my friend from building to building because we didn't want to go to class and didn't want to sit down so we walked. Then she left me so i had to walkby myself.
I didn't want to walk anymore so i just walked to the lab for english and waited there. The lab room is near the locker i use so i went to my locker just because i wanted to and i ran into my friend whom i share the locker with. So i started talking to her and she got mad at me because i wasn't talking to her in the morning and she left me. Mr. Sutherland came after that and opened the door so i walked in. I tried logging on the computer but it didn't work but Mr.Sutherland helped me and i got it. Then i started on my blogs and here i am! Yay! Well that was my day and it has been quite boring so far so let's hope it gets better!

[RE] OUR world

I found this really really interesting quote from Marialuisa’s blog
this is our world and we only get one. once we kill this one, there will be no more
       Okay so I thought this quote is really interesting because of how incredibly true it is and also because i think that  everyone should acknowledge it and try to make a difference. People take the world for granted, they take everything from our world and they never give back. I'm pretty sure that before humans came and overpopulated Earth, it was a beautiful place with beautiful landscapes. When humans came, we took EVERYTHING. We destroyed the beautiful landscapes to make our homes and shopping centers, we chopped down trees that contains air for us, and we killed off its many creatures. There is no part of the wild that is really there because the humans took over and destroyed it to make more room for our kind. We polluted the Earth when its air is for us. Not for the Earth to breath but for us, so now we are breathing bad air because of us. Humans also polluted the ocean which contains fish for us to eat. Once again this is for us and what did we do? We destroyed it. What else did humans do, we went out and hunted so many beautiful creatures until extinction and now we are trying to save them. Well i think its kind of too late to save an endangered species that we killed off. I mean honestly why are we going to go kill of animals and when they are almost gone we FINALLY say oh wait let's save these animals or we wont have anymore of them. Really? Really now? What a waste.
       Well anyways i agree with this quote because we only have ONE world and once it's gone we are too so why don't we help it instead of destroying it? It actually pisses me off how much we have destroyed the Earth when we NEED the Earth to survive. We rely on the Earth for everything, air, food, water, etc. Earth is our home yet we destroyed it. I think that if we all come together then we can make a huge change in this and hopefully we will, not only, save the Earth but also our kind and all the other species on this planet. We should try to fix this situation and make a better Earth.

Friday, September 9, 2011

[FREE] Awesome people! =]

To me, somethings that are really important to me are my family and friends and their undivided attention and love. So let’s start off with my parents, they are the only reason why i exist (obviously) and the reason why my life is so wonderful. My parents left behind a lot when they came over from their home country, Vietnam. They work so hard and so much to raise my three sisters and I. When they chose to move to Alameda from Oakland, it was for our safety. They’ve done everything they can to ensure our safety to their best.
So other than my parents, I have to say my sisters are people that I care about a lot. My older sister is like my friend, I can talk to her whenever and for whatever reason i need to and she would be willing to help. My younger sisters are, well, younger sisters that annoy the poop out of me but that’s what they do! No matter how incredibly annoying and demanding my sisters are, i still have to say that I’m very protective of them.
Aside from my family, I do have a couple of friends that are like family to me who are so awesome and whom i am so grateful for. My friends are people that i can come to when i have no where else to go. Although i said that i go to my older sister for things, there are specific things that I’m not comfortable to tell her and that is where my lovely friends come in. They are the greatest people ever because they put up with the weird random things that I throw at them every day. They aren’t embarrassed to be seen around me and I honestly am very thankful for that because I am really weird and without them being weird with me i would be a loner with no friends. They are so cool because they put up with my clumsy childish weird humor and yeah Thanks yoo! :]
Anyways my family and friends are awesome people that are so incredibly significant to my life and YOU ARE AWESOME!! =)

[CE] Texas Wildfires

I found this really interesting quote that made things start bubbling in my mind while reading about the wildfire outbreaks in Texas.
"The overriding question is: Will they have homes to return to?"
So as i read this article about the wildfire spreads near the Austin area, i started to worry for all the people and things that are in danger  because of this horrible outbreak. There are also the animal and plant lives that are in danger and that are being destroyed by this catastrophe. They have families too and have as many rights as humans to stay alive. The plants that are being consumed are what keeps the Earth alive and feeds the animals and humans living on Earth. Now that the flames have overwhelmed these things the population of their species are being reduced and makes their kind move closer and closer to extinction.The smokes from these flames are doing no good for the Earth either. It is tainting the already tainted air surround us all which is ruining the Earth’s atmosphere.

Okay well that was kind of off but this quote makes me start thinking about how i treat the people and things i have. Now that i think about it, i feel like i take all the things i have for granted. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one that takes things for granted but still. Everyone takes things for granted because they are so used to it that they don’t seem to care although they probably do care but just doesn’t express it. People would throw away food like it doesn’t matter and wouldn’t bother thinking twice about the millions of people starving all over the world. People would also ignore their parents’ teachings when one day they might not have their families anymore. The victims in the wildfire might have lost their homes or things that has sentimental value to them. They might not have a home to return to when everyone else does whatever they can to stay out of their home. We should all learn to appreciate our friends and family more because the people whose loved ones have passed probably couldn’t say their final good byes. We never know when we are going to lose someone important because it could happen within seconds.
So to me this quote gives the idea that things shouldn’t be taken for granted because it could be gone whenever.
Good Luck TEXAS! =]

[RE] Real Friends vs. Fake Ones :)

I found this really interesting quote that I can relate to from Kristy's Blog
Honestly, i'd rather have a small group of real friends than a big group of friends that don't really give a shit about me.
I have to say that I agree with this because I'm the type of person that gets attached really easily. Once I find someone worth my friendship and trust, I'd trust them with anything and everything i have. And I'd do everything to let them know that they can trust me too. So it really pisses me off when I tell someone something that's important to me and they just shrug it off like it doesn't matter. That's why I agree with this quote because i most definitely  rather have a small group of friends that actually cares about what happens to me.
    I’ve had some close friends where at some point we would talk to each other about things important to us and at the time, we promised never to tell but it turns out they broke that promise when i kept mine. This really really bothers me because like i said before i dislike it when i tell people things important to me and they just ignore it. Eventually we drifted apart, them going to the group of friends that dont care, and it made me realize that maybe i should just look harder for the ones worth my trust.
    Like i was saying, this quote sticks out to me because it reminds me to watch who i trust and it reminds me of quality over quantity. I’m reminded that the friends worth my time are the ones who care about what i think, things i do, and cares about me. The others that dont care doesn’t matter.
    Kay Bye! :P

Saturday, September 3, 2011

[BC] Hi There! :D

So instead of starting off with a “Hello, my name is…” I would rather start with a story about how I was named.  I was born a year after my parents came over from Vietnam and during that time their English wasn’t terrific so they didn’t know much about names. This meaning they didn’t know a variety of names and their meanings. So when I was about to be born, they called their friend to drive them to the hospital. When they were asked what to name me, they couldn’t come up with anything so they asked their friend what I should be named. So being slightly shocked at this question, he said the first name that came to mind and that was my name, Julie.
Honestly there isn’t that much about me to know so I guess I will start off with my hobbies. Something that really interest me is reading and that is because it is really useful when I need something to past time and, no matter how incredibly dorky this sounds, sometimes I feel like I warp into the different places in the books I read. When I read I feel like I’m a part of the book and I’m a part of the journey the main characters go through. The journeys feel so real to me and it I feel like I’m going through the different worlds. It gives me a feeling of freedom from my current life and its restraints. In my life, I am constantly being restrained from doing things I want to in fear of danger. So when I read, I feel free from that and I get to live the life changing adventurous like that I want.
Other than reading being something I love, I also enjoy hanging out with my family and friends, listening to music, helping out, and playing games. I really like spending time with my family and friends because they are awesome people that are very important to me. They are really fun to be around because they are so weird and always brings a smile to my face. I really like playing all sorts of games from board games to video games as long as I’m playing with not so competitive people. I like playing things for fun not as competition because I don’t like when people get way to competitive. Music to me is something that I can go to when I’m upset or just simply bored. I enjoy listening to any types of music and would listen to anything but screamo because I think it’s weird. Honestly I really like to do community service because I think that we can make a better world if we just try to help. So I like to help out whenever I can, wherever I can because I think people, animals, and the earth deserves better than it is receiving and with work we can make things better.
My favorite animal are ducks because when I was a kid my sister would joke around that chickens are the best things in the world and to oppose that opinion of hers I said that ducks are better because that was the closest thing to chickens that I could think of and I’ve been in love with them ever since. My favorite color is blue just because I think it’s a lovely color and because the ocean is blue. I really like the ocean because it seems so mysterious and mystical. I think under the sea it is a whole different world, much more peaceful and calm compared to the life on land. I grew up believing mermaids exist and I’ve been attracted to the ocean since then. I think that the ocean is beautiful and I really like sea creatures because they are so majestic and pretty. I really like watching Disney movies because they are the best and because I spent most of my childhood watching them so it reminds me of those simpler times as a kid. I like to try new things; I will try almost anything as long as it isn’t something stupid like jumping off a cliff. I actually like to play sports and like learning new types of sports but in the end I usually am not the best player. Although I’m not good at sports I find it entertaining to watch my friends play. I think it’s really fun to try new things like new things like cooking different types of food, learning a new language, and things like that. It’s really amusing to know how to do and know these things.
I don’t like a lot of things and among those things are spiders. I think spiders are really scary and I don’t like them one bit. I also don’t like clowns because I think they are really scary, the piles and piles of make up on their face and their laugh scares me too. I don’t like the way that people is destroying the world with their pollutions of all sorts like light pollution and air pollution but I do appreciate that they realize what they are doing wrong and are trying to somewhat fix it. I also don’t like how easily I get frustrated or upset. It makes me feel like a mean person but I’m trying to fix it hopefully it will work.
So aside from that another thing about me is that someday I want to travel the world with some friends and live the free life that I want. I would like to go to random places on the globe and just have an adventure. I really want to try to live a life like Ash Ketchum in Pokemon, traveling the world and being able to see new things and have that experience of freedom. I just think that that would be really fun and life changing. So hopefully someday, somehow, I will be able to do this and have a terrific journey.
But before all that I need to get through school. So this year I’m hoping to end it with my writing goals fulfilled. My writing goals are to improve my vocabulary and smooth out my transitioning. I think that my vocabulary is low standards and I want to learn new words and use really big sophisticated words. To me, my transitioning from paragraph to paragraph is really choppy and I want to change it so that it flows and sounds nice. I would also like to improve on my essay writing. I feel like my essays sometimes doesn’t really capture all the ideas I want it to have and no matter what grade I get I’m not satisfied with it. Another problem that I think needs improvement is the way I word things because sometimes it’s not really captivating and it just seems boring. 
Bye now! :]